- Financial Planning
- Financial Management
- Risk Modelling
- Support of day-to-day systems and controls
- Information Technology Integration
- Practical Solutions to Emerging Challenges
- Governance and Organizational Development
Effectively managing financial matters results in financial stability and future success. It starts with day-to-day systems and how controls are put in place. There are advantages and challenges within information technologies that impact financial matters. NFPs must be ready when things happens and bump you off course.
Financial management puts effective systems in place which operate to meet the financial needs and expectations of your enterprise. Osborne’s experts can properly scale good business practices to your needs and expectations. Financial management is key to effective revenue generation, fund development, and long-term strategic positioning.
Financial management involves the longer-term identification of challenges. It includes the processes for recognizing trends and for identifying changing environments. These can impact your plan.
Financial planning is the process to set the course for financial success. It integrate all aspects of your organization. It works through scenarios and options to chart the best approach.
Financial reporting puts in place the information required to stays the course. Many of our Osborne Principals and Senior Advisors are capable and experienced in working within the not-for-profit sector to effectively complete and deliver a solid financial plan.
Osborne supports, or leads, the day-to-day financial operations of your organization. At whatever level your needs are identified, we can offer a cost-effective program to meet them.
All operations are subject to some degree of risk. Developing appropriate risk profiles will allow your organization to anticipate risk, to mitigate risk, and to ensure practices are amended if necessary, or that insurance and other mitigation is in place should things happen. Risk includes all categories including reputational risk. Osborne has Principals and Senior Advisors who specialize in assessing risk and know how to execute on those findings and plans.
Who Can Help
Alan Mosher
Demonstrated success as a Controller, Corporate Controller and Interim Chief Financial Officer.