The Client
A provincial membership-based charitable association over one hundred years old.
The Challenge
Coming out of Covid this registered charity found itself understaffed, suffering from years of divisive leadership, and disconnected from its members. The Board needed an experienced senior executive who could manage the day-to-day operations while the Board members worked on updating the organization’s governance including its charitable objects and by-laws.
The Approach
The executive was installed as the interim Executive Director for 3-4 days per week with full authority to add additional staff and enhance the communication with various stakeholder groups. He was also tasked with leading a process to recruit the next leader and transition them into place.
The Result
The association’s finances stabilized, new processes, policies and procedures were put in place and four new talented staff members were hired including the first CEO in the organization’s history. Considerable progress was made with governance and members felt listened to and better aware of the direction being taken for long term health and sustainability. The interim finished his work within nine months.