Top 5 Reasons for a Visual Re-brand
There comes a time in the evolution of many businesses when the visual representation of...
There comes a time in the evolution of many businesses when the visual representation of...
Branding - THE Key Visual Element It’s a term that’s bandied about these days like...
A good marketing plan allows you to reach your targeted customers and boost your bottom line. By setting clear, realistic and measurable marketing objectives, you can increase the likelihood of reaching your targeted customers by helping them understand why your product or service is different to that of your competitors.
Businesses and individuals believe they are building their brand the most effective way, but is that true? Ask yourself, “what is your brand?” Quick answer; your brand is what Google says it is. Another way to look at it is your brand is what other people say about you when you are not in the room.
I came across a new term recently, used in this article to describe the employment trend in Europe. “Permatemps” describes those permanently in temporary or contract work.
The theory was first published in 2005 a press released under the name of Cliff Arnall, who at the time was a tutor at the Centre for Lifelong Learning – a Further Education centre associated with Cardiff University. Later, however, the Guardian printed a statement from the university distancing itself from the psychology professor: “Cardiff University asked us to point out that Cliff Arnall… was a former part-time tutor at the university but left in February.”
Blue Monday, which falls on 18 January in 2016, is allegedly the most depressing day of the year. Understandably, tightened purse strings following the festive splurge, time passed since Christmas and failed new year resolutions is not a combination for happiness – but why is the third Monday in January apparently the worst day of the year?
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