Leisure Travelers Driving the Tourism Bus
Leisure Travelers Driving the Tourism Bus In my January newsletter article “2016 Outlook – Hospitality...
Leisure Travelers Driving the Tourism Bus In my January newsletter article “2016 Outlook – Hospitality...
It isn’t all about profit and bottom line if a business desires to be recognized as a leader in its industry or community. Of course, in the private sector, profit is a critical pillar in the way organizational performance is measured. https://osborneinterim.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=vc-roles
A leader and a manager are two separate definitions. The challenge for Canada’s economy and productivity is simply to instill more leadership attributes and qualities in the people we have directing and guiding our workforce – the managers.
Businesses and individuals believe they are building their brand the most effective way, but is that true? Ask yourself, “what is your brand?” Quick answer; your brand is what Google says it is. Another way to look at it is your brand is what other people say about you when you are not in the room.
Canada is a great country, rich in natural resources, pristine beauty, abundant wildlife and cultural diversity. We are seen by the world as a safe and clean destination with welcoming people. In fact, in many surveys, people from around the world have Canada on the top of their “hope to visit one day” list.
As the summer season winds down for 2013 it is apropos to reflect on the importance of an activity all of us probably enjoyed these past few months – traveling close to home or exploring another country! Why is the fact that you traveled and became a tourist important? Well, for many reasons; some you would instinctively know already and others you may not have thought of.
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