The Client
A regional Humane Society.
The Challenge
The Executive Director had resigned, and the Board was divided over how to proceed recognizing there may be underlying cultural issues and concern among donors as to the state of the organization.
The Approach
An Osborne Senior Advisor experienced in organizational assessment conducted interviews with staff and Board members to understand where the real problems were. Upon presenting her findings to the Board it was recommended and accepted that another Osborne Advisor with extensive experience in the not-for-profit, charitable sectors step into the Executive Director role for the interim. During this period, Osborne’s Human Capital Specialist initiated a recruitment campaign that resulted in a short list of well qualified candidates in less than three months time. An Osborne Account Manager ensured there was a seamless process in place from one phase of the assignment to the next.
The Result
Staff and donors alike very much valued the Interim Executive Director’s work which paved the way for the hiring of a someone permanent in the role. The Board was left with other recommendations in the organizational assessment to address and build upon. A high level of client satisfaction was conveyed to Osborne Interim Management.