The Client
A family owned, multi-generational business including spouses.
The Challenge
The business involved primary production and had expanded to include added-value processing. A recent expansion involving the purchase of new equipment from overseas had the management team examining its business processes. Ensuring its value proposition was meeting its customers’ needs was critical to help drive the business and deliver an ROI for the investment.
The Approach
An Osborne Principal, with global experience in the sector and a history with the client, was brought in to propose a process. This included building appropriate toolsets, conducting customer research, and completing the required analysis. Iterations of the toolsets were thoroughly tested with the client, and both quantitative and qualitative output presented to the management team.
The Result
The customer research results and recommendations were presented to the management team, with priorities identified along with actions. The toolset was built in a reusable format allowing the client to continue to extract value for its investment into the future.